আমাকে কেউ কেউ জিজ্ঞেস করেছিলেন আমি এত স্কলারশিপ, শিক্ষাবৃত্তি ও অন্যান্য ফান্ডিং এর তথ্য কোথায় পাই? আজ আমি আমার অভিজ্ঞতা শেয়ার করছি আপনাদের সাথে।

১) একাডেমিক সোসাইটিঃ প্রথমত আমি কিছু একাডেমিক সোসাইটি এর মেম্বার। যেমনঃ আমেরিকান জিওগ্রাফিক্যাল ইউনিওন, আমেরিকান সোশিওলজিক্যাল এ্যাসোসিয়েশন, ব্রিটিশ সোশিওলজিক্যাল এ্যাসোসিয়েশন ইত্যাদি। আমি তাদের মেম্বার হিসেবে নিয়মিত একাডেমিক প্রোফেশনালদের মেইল পেয়ে থাকি। এছাড়া প্রতিটি এসোসিয়েশন কিংবা সোসাইটিগুলি সাপ্তাহিক, পাক্ষিক কিংবা মাসিক নিউজলেটার পাঠিয়ে থাকে। এর মাধ্যমেও এইধরনের নিউজগুলি পেয়ে থাকি।

২) প্রফেশনাল সোসাইটিঃ এছাড়া বিভিন্ন প্রোফেশনাল ফোরাম রয়েছে যেখানে পৃথিবীজুড়ে একই ধরণের প্রোফেশনে এবং সেক্টরে যারা কাজ করছেন তারা নিয়মিতভাবে নিজেদের মধ্যে যোগাযোগ রক্ষা করেন। এই মাধ্যমেও এইরকম সুযোগগুলি খোঁজ করা যায়। গুগলে কীওয়ার্ড লিখে সার্চ করলেই সেটা পাবেন।

৩) কনফারেন্স মেইলিং লিস্টঃ আমি অল্প কিছু একাডেমিক কনফারেন্সে অংশ নিয়েছি। এইসব কনফারেন্স শেষে অনেকসময় আয়োজকরা জিমেইল কিংবা অন্য ইমেইল সার্ভারে গ্রুপ মেসেজিং/ইমেইলিং এর একটা মাধ্যম তৈরি করেন একই সাথে অংশগ্রহণকারীদের নিয়ে একটা অনলাইন কমিউনিটি এর মত তৈরি করেন যার মাধ্যমে এইধরনের তথ্য পাওয়া সম্ভব।

৪) ইউনিভার্সিটির জব ওয়েবসাইট পেইজঃ প্রত্যেক বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, বিশ্ববিদ্যায়ের বিভিন্ন ফ্যাকাল্টি, স্কুল, ডিপার্টমেন্ট, রিসার্চ ইন্সটিটিউট ইত্যাদির জব/ রিক্রুট্মেন্ট পেইজ থাকে। এখানে আপনি আপনার বিষয় কিংবা টপিক সিলেক্ট করে পরবর্তী জব এলার্ট সেট করে নিতে পারবেন আপনার ইমেইল এড্রেস ব্যবহার করে।

৫) প্রোফাশনাল জব পোর্টালঃ বিভিন্ন প্রোফেশনাল জব পোর্টাল যেমন রিসার্চগেট, লিংকডইন ইত্যাদি ওয়েবসাইটে এইধরণের অপরচুনিটিগুলো পোস্ট করা হয়ে থাকে।

৬) সোশ্যাল মিডিয়াঃ আজকের দিনে স্কলারশিপ সার্চ করার আরেকটি বড় মাধ্যম টুইটার, ফেসবুক, লিঙ্কডিনের মতো সোশ্যাল মিডিয়া সাইটগুলি। প্রোফেসররা নিজেদের প্রোফাইলে এধরণের জব এডভার্ট পোস্ট করে থাকেন। তাই কীওয়ার্ড দিয়ে সার্চ করেও সোশ্যাল মিডিয়া সাইটগুলিতেও এইধরনের তথ্য পাওয়া যেতে পারে। এছাড়া ফেসবুকের মত প্ল্যাটফর্মে স্টাডি ও স্কলারশিপ সম্পর্কিত গ্রুপগুলি আরেকটি বড় মাধ্যম।

৭) স্কলারশিপ ওয়েবসাইটঃ এর বাইরে কিছু স্কলারশিপ ওয়েবপোর্টাল রয়েছে যারা এইধরণের সুযোগগুলি পোস্ট করে।

নিচে স্কলারশিপ সম্পর্কিত দরকারি কিছু ওয়েবসাইটের তালিকা দিলামঃ



  1. Europe:





  1. https://www.iefa.org/
  2. https://www.hotcoursesabroad.com/study/us-usa/international/schools-colleges-university/211/list.html
  3. https://www.hotcoursesabroad.com/study/canada/international/schools-colleges-university/32/list.html
  4. https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/slideshows/10-places-international-students-can-search-for-us-college-scholarships


  1. EURAXES (European Union’s Official Site):You will find lot of PhD vacancies for all the European Union’s Project: http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index.cfm/jobs/index
  2. Nature Jobs: http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/welcome
  3. Find a PhD: http://www.findaphd.com/
  4. For Europe Academic Positions: http://www.academicpositions.eu/
  5. PhD portal: http://www.phdportal.eu/
  6. Specially for Netherlands http://www.academictransfer.com/
  7. CSDMS:
  9. Met-jobs
  10. AGU career center
  11. HydroJobs
  12. CGU
  13. ETH get hired
  14. Hydrosci-l
  15. Gilbert club
  16. Earthworks jobs
  17. Researchgate project
  18. EGU job page
  19. Univ of Queensland job alert
  20. About-hydrology
  21. Get hydrology jobs
  22. ETH Zurich job page
  23. APECS job page
  24. ArcticNet
  25. Univ of Calgary job page
  26. Stockholm job page
  27. Univ of Zurich job page
  28. Univ of Bern job page
  29. Univ of Saskatchewan job page
  30. PAOC
  31. AWRA career center
  32. Academic transfer
  33. AEESP
  34. HEPEX
  35. Josh water jobs
  36. Climate list
  37. University of Melbourne
  38. Euraxess
  39. Swedish scholarships
  40. Swedish research council
  41. Postdoc funding schemes


  1. 1# British Council Great Scholarship: https://study-uk.britishcouncil.org/scholarships/great-scholarships
  1. 2# Clarendon Scholarship (automatically considered while application): https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/courses-a-z-listing?wssl=1%3E
  2. 3# Gates Cambridge Scholarship UK <https://www.cam.ac.uk/colleges-and-departments/department-a-z>
  3. 4# Bristol University Think Big Scholarships <Official Scholarship Website (Postgraduate): http://www.bristol.ac.uk/fees-funding/awards/think-big-undergraduate/ Official Scholarship Website (Postgraduate): http://www.bristol.ac.uk/fees-funding/awards/think-big-postgraduate/>
  4. #5 British Chevening Scholarships in the UK <https://www.chevening.org/>
  5. #6 Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth Countries <https://cscuk.fcdo.gov.uk/scholarships/commonwealth-masters-scholarships/>
  6. #7 Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme < https://cscuk.fcdo.gov.uk/scholarships/commonwealth-shared-scholarships/>
  7. #8 Scotland’s Saltire Scholarships <https://www.scotland.org/study/saltire-scholarships>
  8. #9 Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships <https://www.ed.ac.uk/history-classics-archaeology/graduate-school/fees-funding/funding/phd/global>
  9. #10 Edinburgh Global Online Distance Learning Scholarships <http://www.ed.ac.uk/student-funding/postgraduate/e-learning/online-masters>
  10. #11 University of Sussex Chancellor’s International Scholarships <https://www.sussex.ac.uk/study/fees-funding/masters-scholarships/view/1364-Chancellors-International-Scholarships>
  11. #12 University of West London International Ambassador Scholarships < https://www.uwl.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate-study/fees-and-funding/bursaries-and-scholarships>
  12. #13 University of West London International Ambassador Scholarships <https://www.uwe.ac.uk/courses/funding/chancellors-scholarship>
  13. #14 Sheffield Hallam University Transform Together Scholarships <www.shu.ac.uk/transformtogether>
  14. #15 Warwick Chancellor’s International Scholarships <https://warwick.ac.uk/services/dc/schols_fund/scholarships_and_funding/chancellors_int>
  15. #16 Developing Solutions Scholarships at University of Nottingham <http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/studywithus/international-applicants/scholarships-fees-and-finance/scholarships/masters-scholarships/dev-sol-masters.aspx>
  16. #17 Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann Scholarship and Leadership Programme <Official Scholarship Website: http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/fees-and-funding/fees-funding-and-scholarship-search/weidenfeld-hoffmann-scholarships-and-leadership-programme/oxford-weidenfeld-and-hoffmann-scholarships-and-leadership-programme

Weidenfeld Hoffman Trust Website: http://www.whtrust.org/>

  1. #18 UEA International Development Full Fees Scholarships <https://www.uea.ac.uk/study/fees-and-funding/scholarships-finder/scholarships-a-z/international-development-full-fees-scholarship>
  2. #19 Reach Oxford Scholarships for Developing Country Students <http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/fees-and-funding/oxford-support/reach-oxford-scholarship>
  3. #20 Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence Scholarships at University of Bath <https://www.bath.ac.uk/campaigns/deans-award-for-academic-excellence-scholarship/>
  4. #21 Scholarships for MSc Development Economics at University of Kent <https://www.kent.ac.uk/scholarships/search/FN36ECODEV01>

List of European Government Scholarships for International Students

  1. British Chevening Scholarships (UK)

Chevening Scholarships, an international scholarship program of the UK Government, are given to outstanding scholars from Chevening-eligible countries across the world. Awards are usually for a one-year Master’s degree. Most Chevening Scholarships cover tuition fees, a fixed-rate living allowance (for one individual), an economy class return airfare to the United Kingdom, and additional grants to cover essential expenses.

See details here: https://www.chevening.org/ 

  1. Commonwealth Scholarships (UK)

Commonwealth Scholarships are given to talented individuals with the potential to make a positive impact on the global stage. As part of the UK’s ongoing commitment to the Commonwealth, around 800 students are given a chance to undertake postgraduate degrees at UK universities each year. If you are from a Commonwealth country and believe you could make a difference in the world, but you can’t afford to fund your UK studies on your own, then you could be the ideal candidate for a Commonwealth Scholarship.

See details here : https://cscuk.fcdo.gov.uk/ 

  1. DAAD Scholarships (Germany)

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) stipends offer foreign graduates from developing countries and emerging countries from all disciplines and with at least two years of work experience the opportunity to take a postgraduate or master’s degree at a national or state-recognized German university and, in exceptional cases, to take a doctoral degree and to obtain a university qualification.

See details here : https://www.daad.de/en/study-and-research-in-germany/scholarships/

  1. Holland Scholarship (Netherlands)

The Holland Scholarship is meant for international students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who want to do their bachelor’s or master’s in the Netherlands. The scholarship amounts to € 5,000 which you will receive in the first year of your studies.

See details here: https://www.studyinholland.nl/finances/holland-scholarship

Others: https://www.studyinholland.nl/finances 

  1. Swedish Institute (SI) Scholarships for Global Professionals (Sweden)

The SI Scholarship for Global Professionals aims to develop future global leaders contributing to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and contributing to positive and sustainable development in their home countries and region. The programme is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It offers you a unique opportunity to develop both professionally and academically, experience Swedish society and culture, and build a long-lasting relationship with Sweden and other scholarship holders. 

See details here:   https://si.se/en/apply/scholarships/swedish-institute-scholarships-for-global-professionals/ 

  1. Eiffel Scholarships (France)

The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign students to enroll in their master’s and PhD programs. It gives opportunity to the future foreign decision-makers of the private and public sectors in priority areas of study and encourages applicants up to 25 years old from developing countries at master’s level and applicants up to 30 years old from developing and industrialized countries at PhD level.

See details here :    


  1. Erasmus Mundus Scholarships (Europe)

An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD), is a prestigious, integrated, international study programme, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions in Europe. EMJMDs award EU-funded scholarships to the best student candidates applying under annual selection rounds. The study must take place in at least two of the Programme Countries. Part of the studies can also take place in a Partner country if a partner-country institution is involved.

See details here :   


  1. Denmark Government Scholarships (Denmark) 

Higher education in Denmark is free for students from the EU/EEA and Switzerland and for students participating in an exchange program. For other students, annual tuition ranges from 6,000 to 16,000 euros. A number of scholarships and grants are available from the institutions and from public-funded schemes.

See details here :  


  1. Italian Government Scholarships (Italy)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants in favor of foreign citizens not residing in Italy and Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)*

See details here :   


  1. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships (Switzerland)

Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS). The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree.

See details here :  


Others: ETH Zurich: https://ethz.ch/students/en/studies/financial/scholarships/excellencescholarship.html?fbclid=IwAR0qfQe_JTzBQKa1HqMWAzqi9ESZOlc45wLNxLqas8HHu8ZUeqSITWTYxgY 

  1. Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) (Netherlands)

The Orange Knowledge Programme aims to contribute to a society’s sustainable and inclusive development. Its scholarships are open to mid-career professionals in specific countries. Scholarships are available for a selection of short courses (duration 2 weeks to 12 months); and master’s programmes (duration 12 to 24 months).

See details here :  



The Flemish Ministry of Education and Training awards scholarships for master’s programmes in Flanders and Brussels to outstanding students from around the world. A Master Mind Scholarship includes a grant of €8 200 + a tuition fee waiver per academic year (60 ECTS). Master Mind Scholarship holders only pay an administrative enrolment fee.

See details here : 


  1. Austrian Government Scholarship (Austria)

There are various scholarship opportunities as well as possible project funding for international students & researchers. Depending on your country of origin and the level of your studies, there are different options for funding.

See details here : 



  1. Finnish Government Scholarship (Finland)

Finland’s world-leading higher education system offers more than 400 English-taught bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in 13 universities and 22 universities of applied sciences (UAS). The universities also offer English-taught doctoral degree options. Finnish higher education institutions have over 20 000 international students studying in several locations around Finland.

DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS: https://www.studyinfinland.fi/scholarships/doctoral-scholarships 

BACHELOR’S AND MASTER’S SCHOLARSHIPS: https://www.studyinfinland.fi/scholarships/bachelors-and-masters-scholarships 

  1. Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship (Hungary)

Scholarship opportunities, full and partial degree programmes at Hungarian higher education institutions and universities for international students.

See details here : 


List of Scholarships in Norway

The following organizations offer various scholarships to the students:

1) University of Stavanger Scholarships

2) BI Norwegian Business School Scholarships

3) The Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NTNU) Scholarships

4) University of Oslo Scholarships

5) Nord University Postdoctoral Fellowship

6) Oslo Metropolitan University Scholarships

8) Norwegian University of Life Sciences

9) NORAM Scholarship
10) Lakselaget Foundation Scholarship
11) Leiv Eriksson mobility program
12) Sons of Norway Student Residence Permit
13) Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Scholarships
14) University of Bergen
15) Norwegian- Russian Scholarship Scheme
16) University of Oslo
17) Erasmus+ Program
18) Norwegian-Russian Scholarships
19) High North Fellowship Program

পরবর্তীতে এই তালিকা আরও আপডেট করা হবে এই আশা করি। উচ্চশিক্ষা ও শিক্ষাবৃত্তি সংক্রান্ত বিষয়ে আমি নিয়মিত Global Scholarship Opportunities এই গ্রুপে পোস্ট করে থাকি। আপনারা ইচ্ছে করলে এখানে জয়েন করতে পারেন। ধন্যবাদ।

মোহাম্মদ মাহবুবুর রহমান (অপু)

পিএইচডি রিসার্চার,

ফুড সিকিউরিটি ফর ইকুইটেবল ফিউচার রিসার্চ গ্রুপ,

ডিপার্টমেন্ট অফ সোশিওলজি,

ল্যাংকেস্টার ইউনিভার্সিটি,

ল্যাংকেস্টার, ইউকে।


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